The Best Fitness Babes To Follow On Instagram For Bridal Bod Motivation


Whether you’re about to say “I do” or you just feel like getting in shape for the new year – your instagram feed is about to get a major motivational upgrade thanks to these fitness babes. Follow along for everything from daily workouts and nutrition tips to inspiring words of fitness wisdom. Keep up with their recommended routines and we guarantee you’ll be WISHING it was bikini season so you can show off your well-earned bod. 2018 is about to be your best year yet!

1. Cassey Ho – @blogilates

This gorg pilates instructor will inspire and guide you through your fitness goals with instructional videos, detailed calendars, and nutrition challenges.

2. Amanda Bisk  – @amandabisk

Amanda is an Australian former pole vaulter, qualified yoga teacher, and exercise physiologist – all while fighting Chronic Fatigue Disorder. She’s basically a total badass and will motivate you with every post!

3. Tanya Poppett – @tanyapoppett

Don’t be fooled by the pretty face, this Aussie gal works out HARD. Our favorite part about her workouts is the fact that they don’t require a gym membership or heavy weights – solely body weight, blood, sweat, and tears (and sometimes a pillow – you’ll see).

4. Natalie Uhling – @natalieuhling

For those of you who are hungry to see some motivating workouts but prefer to have it with a side of fashion – then Natalie is the girl for you! You’ll want to get her washboard abs and cute matching top!

5. Tracy Anderson – @tracyandersonmethod

When she isn’t training the hottest celebs in Hollywood, Tracy is serving up some amazing workout videos that will make you break a serious sweat. Follow along to learn how to workout like a Victoria’s Secret angel.

6. Emily Skye – @emilyskyefit

It’s time for you to join the *ahem* 2.2 million followers of this adorable supermom! Emily is so not afraid to be real with you – she’ll post that unflattering camera angle that shows off her rolls, just to prove that not all photos of those perfect bodies on instagram are exactly how they are 100% of the time. She will inspire you to love your body, but make it sweat while you’re at it! She also has a super cute baby girl that you have to see!

🏋🏽 My Meals & Exercise Programs👆🏼LINK IN BIO . It's funny, years ago my focus and goals were always related to my appearance. Now my focus is always on how I feel. Being fit, strong and healthy mentally and physically is most important to me. I can honestly say I'm never concerned about my body fat, weight, or size. I don't care about any of that. As long as my body functions the best it can, I nourish my body & I feel strong and fit – that's all that matters to me. When your focus is on your health and how you feel then you'll most likely look your best anyway! 😉 . . 💙Outfit: @reebok | @reebokwomen . . 📺 YouTube Vlogs: . . .🎥Workout/ healthy food vids: @emilyskyefitness . . 💄Beauty IG: @emilyskyebeauty . 2️⃣Backup: @emily_skye2 . 👻 Snap chat: emilyskyefit . . #emilyskye #emilyskyefit #fit #fitness #fitfam #exercise #fitpro #fitlife #healthy #fitbody #beyourbest #inspiration #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #reebok

A post shared by E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) on

7. Tone It Up – @toneitup

Karena and Katrina are two girls from Southern California who created this incredibly successful platform for every type of girl in order to find what truly works for them! They help you realize that not all body types are the same, but that being healthy and loving yourself is universal! We love their weekly “before and after” transformations of gorgeous girls who are on their way to achieving their ultimate goals.

8. Anna Victoria – @annavictoria

We’re obsessed with this Italy-based blogger’s body-positive attitude and her quick & easy workouts that bring on the results! Not to mention her throwback wedding photos that we love just as much as the workouts… talk about inspo!

9. Faya Nilsson – @fitnessontoast

A mix of fitness, travel, and recipes is the perfect way to explain why we love @fitnessontoast. We guarantee you will too!

10. Kayla Itsines – @kayla_itsines

If you haven’t seen or heard the name Kayla Itsines – are you even on social media? There’s a reason this glowing gal has garnered a whopping 8.4 million followers! Do we even need to say more?

11. Caitlin Turner – @gypsetgoddess

This beautiful blondie knows how to strike a (yoga) pose or two – she’s sure to inspire you with her flexibility expertise!

12. Base Body Babes – @basebodybabes

We’re not sure which you’ll love more – the workout motivation or the wardrobe inspiration: you choose!

AND SO IT BEGINS 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 Our Babes officially started Day 1 of the #bbbonlineprogram today and OMG we are already so proud 🙌🏻 We always knew this program was going to be next level, but now that the girls are in there and our little community is being built, we honestly want to cry of happiness everytime we see one of their posts, comments or messages to us or the other girls in our #bbbvip Facebook group. We are so excited for you all… YOU BABES ROCK🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you want to join our community and learn how to lift weights the right way, so you can achieve all of your health and fitness goals with our guidance and support CLICK THE LINK IN OUR BIO🔝 HOME AND GYM PROGRAMS AVAILABLE💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #basebodybabeslove #helpingothers #empoweringwomen #bbbcommunity #chicksthatlift #liftweights #basebodybabes #happy #healthy #fit #strong #personaltrainers

A post shared by FITNESS➕FOOD➕FASHION➕LIFESTYLE (@basebodybabes) on

13. Park Sisters (Joanna & Grace) – @excercisewithextrafries

Just in case their instagram handle didn’t make you love them so much already – these sisters are all about exercising hard while enjoying a cheat meal (or two). They don’t take anything too seriously and that’s why we love them!

14. Remi Ishizuka – @rrayyme

Remi is an Adidas ambassador and was also nominated for best fitness blog! She’s a firm believer in clean eating and will definitely convince you that your pizza craving will cost you manyyy workouts in the long run. Dangit.

15. Lana Ector – @lanaectorfit

If you’re especially looking for weight loss tips and training – then Lana can help you out with that! With a nickname like “The Fitness Vixen”, how can you not follow?!

16. MankoFit – @massy.arias

If you not only need workout advice but could also use long motivational captions to get you through your journey, then Massy Arias is the trainer you’ve been searching for! She will teach you how to feel confident and strong in the skin you’re in.


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