It’s about that time – you’ve been dating for a while, you’re dreaming about engagement rings, you’re *secretly* watching proposal videos every night under the covers, and wedding season is right around the corner. You couldn’t be more ready for your significant other to pop the question! But you feel like you’ve been waiting forever… WHEN will it finally happen!? Below are the stages every normal (aka crazy) girl goes through when they feel like they’re about to put a ring on it.
1. Waiting to get engaged like…

2. When you start to subtly drop hints…

3. When you think it’s about to happen but doesn’t and you're super unreasonably upset.

4. When everyone else around you is getting engaged except for you.

5. When your nails have to be perfect because it could happen at any minute!

6. When he says he wants tonight to be special!

7. When you freak out about the night to come and sweat profusely.

8. When everything he says sounds like he’s about to ask you.

9. When he finally does!!!

10. When you have to make sure he hired a photographer…

11. When you Facetime all your friends and family!

12. When you realize it’s time to actually start wedding planning.