11 Clever Signs You’ll Want At Your Wedding


Every wedding could use some signage! There are important announcements to be made, information to be spread; What time is dinner? Where do we sit? Which way is the reception? You can’t possibly be around to answer all those questions personally, but your cute posted notices will have you covered. And we’ve got you covered too, with these 11 ideas on how to make those signs on-theme and adorable!

1This Way / That Way

Dan & Erin Photo Cinema

Point your guests in the right direction with a cute old-fashioned trail sign—this way to vows, that way to dancing!


2Pick a Seat, Not a Side

ItsAGreyLife via Etsy

Remind everybody that there are no divisions on this day by posting a sign that assures them that they can sit wherever they please!

Mulberry Market Designs

3In Loving Memory

Michelle Lindsay Photography

If you have loved ones that have passed on, you can still make sure they’re with you in spirit on this most special day.

4Hashtag Sign

WeFreeze Photography

Make sure everyone knows the right hashtag to use when they’re posting those cute photos to insta!

Hawaii Calligraphy

5Literary or Movie Quote

Carmen Santorelli Photography

Pick a movie, book, TV show, or anything else that means a lot to the both of you, and put it up on a sign so everyone knows what your love is really about!

I Love Wednesdays

6Order of Events

Whimsy Design Studio

A sign telling everyone exactly what time dinner is served, dancing starts, cake will be cut and the bouquet will be tossed can be not only helpful, but cute too!

Joseph Koprek Photography

7Family Tree

Rochelle Cheever Photography

Putting up old pictures of your family, especially your parents’ or grandparents’ wedding pictures, is a great way to honor the past and might be good luck for your future! (Bonus: If your wedding is outside, you can hang them from an actual tree!

GreenAutumn Photography

8Mirrored Sign

Michelle Lange Photography

Whatever information you need or want to put out there to your guests, writing it on a pretty mirror is an easy decoration: reflecting your stylish venue back at itself can only add to the style!

Mon Cheri Bridals

9Hanging Guestbook

CoachHouseWoodworks via Etsy

A fun alternative to a literal guestbook, a guest sign is something pretty you can hang wherever you want after the wedding, to remind you of everyone who shared your special day!

RusticLoveandWood via Etsy

10Important Dates

Elegant Wedding Invites

A cute sign that displays a few red letter days in your relationship will no doubt make you smile every time you see it, on your wedding day and for years to come!

Something Turquoise


Landon Jacob Photography

Four simple letters, but they add up to so much more! There are so many creative ways to add the word “love” to your décor, to remind everyone what this day is all about.


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